'Tis the Season

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but for many people, the holidays are anything but a time of cheer and good will. For those who are dealing with loss, the holidays can be a time of remembering what you don’t have and feeling the ‘holiday blues’ because they’re stuck in the pain of that loss. Whether that loss is as a result of the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the end of a marriage, the breakup of a relationship, or like me and my husband, an empty nest; loss is a reality; but instead of putting a period there, let’s make it a semi-colon. What comes after a semi-colon shifts what preceded it. This holiday, let’s decide to shift our perspective and focus on what we have instead of what was lost. You will be surprised how an attitude of gratitude can shift your mood.

Philippians 4:8 gives us the perfect recipe for shifting our mood and focus. It tells us “Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, lovely and admirable; think about these things. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

This year, instead of dreading the season, choose to welcome it with celebrating you and what you have. You may not have the person you lost; but you have lots of people who love you… if you let them. You may be currently unemployed; but you ate, have a roof over your head, and the promise that “You will reap a harvest in due season if you faint not” (Galatians 6:9). You may not have the person you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with; but your life is not over, and since it’s not, I’m sure God has someone He’s chosen and is sending your way who is far better than the one you picked. Finally for those who live alone, your house may be empty; but your heart doesn’t have to be. Go out and share your light and love with others. That’s the real joy in Tis the Season.

Peace and Blessings;


Expect the Unexpected

I always say, “The God we serve is a God of 11:59 and counting”; but He shows Himself faithful even when we don’t know how it’s going to happen.  The ancestors would say, “God may not come when you want Him, but He’s always right on time.”  Have you ever been praying about something and wondering whether God is listening? Well you’re not alone. Let me share a recent experience that will re-awaken your belief that God is still in the miracle working business.

I am a breast cancer survivor; and Praise God, I am now 4 years post-treatment. The type of cancer that attacked both of my breast is a very invasive, aggressive form of breast cancer called HER 2 positive.  I went to my routine Oncology check- up and my doctor discovered another mass in my right breast. For about a month and a half I went through a series of tests which resulted in them concluding that they would have to have a surgical biopsy to remove the mass in order to determine if it’s cancer. This is because the mass was sitting on the implant. To do the surgery means that my plastic surgeon will have to be there to repair the implant. Both surgeons have a working relationship and everything was scheduled. Since my initial surgery my husband’s job changed insurance carriers but I didn’t worry because we have a PPO which allows me to go out of network. A week before the surgery, Cathy from my plastic surgeon’s office called to inform me that even though I have out of network coverage, there is a $5,000.00 deductible which must be paid before they will begin to pay the 80%.

With medical bills mounting, I just didn’t have it to pay. I attempted to appeal it the insurance company and submitted all the requested documentation in an effort to build a case for ‘network deficiency’, since I already had a working relationship with this doctor and he is familiar with my case.

Three days before my scheduled surgery, I was informed by the care manager with my insurance company that they denied my request. Trusting in God’s word that ‘He would work it out for my good and His glory’, I submitted myself to whatever God allowed. I notified both surgeons and was awaiting to hear from my breast surgeon regarding what our next step needed to be. I was eating lunch when my phone rang and it was Cathy from my plastic surgeon’s office.  She said Ms. Jackson, Dr. Brown wanted me to call you because he said he will do your surgery regardless of the insurance. THANK GOD. I nearly dropped the phone. Who but God can make possible what appears to be impossible?

I had my surgery as scheduled and the biopsy revealed no cancer.  

I hope my testimony will encourage someone who may be facing what appears to be an impossible situation to remember that the God we serve specializes in making possible what appears impossible. Expect the unexpected.


Peace and Blessings;


Faith's Plea


Let me rise up, look up

And see the glory of You in everything.

Let me see You when it’s hard to see You.


Let me feel You when it seems that

It’s only pain and despair in my repertoire

Of emotions.


Let me hear You in the sweet whisper of Your peace

When my soul is troubled;

And let me rest in the joy of knowing,

You are with me,

And this too shall pass.


By: Gail Bethea-Jackson


My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I step out into this world of social media not sure who will see this or what will happen. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone to share what I feel is my purpose for being on the planet. For over 30 years, I have served the public as a mental health therapist; more specifically, a Christian mental health therapist specializing in the field of sexual victimization and trauma. I have been honored to partner with those who have been victims of this crime and assisted them in healing from their emotional wounds. I have worked with hundreds of children, teens, adults, and non-offending parents, usually mothers, of incest situations in an effort to be a bridge to getting them to the other side of their pain.

When a trauma happens, it leaves an emotional hole in your soul. This is also the case for non-offending parents. Many non-offending parents, who are secondary victims, find themselves in the position of feeling alone, lost, guilty, and caught up in a whirl wind not knowing who to trust, what to do, or how to wake up from this nightmare. Victimization can render victims and secondary victims feeling vulnerable, powerless, and stripped of the worth and value God created in them.

It is my calling to help those injured by this trauma get to the other side of it and re-discover, or in some cases discover, their worth, peace, and purpose so they too may live a life as God intended; fulfilled and able to love themselves and others in a healthy way, and accept love in return.

The purpose of this blog, and those to follow, is to inspire and give hope to those who are hurting. My hope is that something I share will ignite a spark of hope that tomorrow can be better; and stir up the belief that God can, and does, step into our brokenness and heals in a brand new way.  God does allow U-turns. This is not therapy, but it is therapeutic. It’s therapeutic to know you are not alone and there are others who understand and stand with you. It’s therapeutic to know things can change, and that change can begin with you. If this is you, journey with me as I share thoughts that will challenge us both towards change.


Peace and Blessings;


The Power of Choice

Have you ever stopped to consider the power of your choice? Aristotle stated “Choice, not chance determines human destiny.” I can’t think of a truer saying. We are the sum of the choices we make. How powerful is that? Yet, many of us relinquish that power to a feeling. I understand that feelings are a powerful motivator, but Jeremiah17:9 warns us about how foolish the heart can be. We can feel one way today and totally different tomorrow. We can foolishly relinquish our choice to what someone else thinks we should do. How many of us have abandoned our dreams for love; or find ourselves in situations or circumstances in which we ‘feel’ we have no choice. The truth is we always have a choice. It’s a God-given right to choose. He made us with the power of

 ‘free will’, but it can alter the course of our lives if we don’t choose wisely. The Bible tells us that “there is a way that seems right to a man, but it ends in death.” (Proverbs 16:25)


So how do we choose wisely? I often compare the Bible to an old commercial for Prego Spaghetti Sauce, which said, “Everything we need is in there.” Why not consult God? He gives you His Word and His promise that if you submit to Him, or “In all your ways acknowledge Him, He WILL direct your path.” (Proverbs 3:6) That’s a promise from someone who can’t lie. In fact, the Bible says it’s impossible for Him to lie. (Hebrews 6:18)


Why not take time to consult the one who knows you better than anyone else, loves you beyond what you can comprehend, always wants the best for you, and packaged you with a purpose and a plan for your success. For something as powerful as your choice, choose to look up and not out. Choose to submit your will to the way that leads to your success. God has a plan for you and

He never fails.

Peace and Blessings;
