Did you ever stop to think about the fact that Jesus was a revolutionary man? Yes, He was a man of peace and love, but what made Him a revolutionist is that He didn’t just sit around waiting for change to happen; He became the change. Everywhere He went, He provoked change in what He said and the things He did. Did He piss people off? Of course He did! In fact, it got Him killed, but who hasn’t heard about Jesus? He is a revolutionist because He challenged the status quo with its legalistic laws and talked about a new law, the law of love.
Those of us who believe in Jesus say we love Him; but that love comes with a commandment and a commission to walk in love. Is it hard? You bet it is. There are some people in our lives whose actions make them hard to love; but Jesus promises that He will give you the grace to do it – actually, He already has. Perhaps you have been hurt and betrayed by people you trusted. You really don’t want to love because you’re hurt. Jesus has a remedy for that. He tells us to give our hurts to Him and He will “heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3
When we are able to give our brokenness to him and walk in a space of love, it enables us to see people and the world differently. It will enable you to be a difference maker. To accept this challenge, we have to be connected to our power source – Jesus. He is love; in order to see through the eyes of love we must connect to that which supplies it.
Our commission is to love God and love people. That means we think about something other than ourselves. I have come to accept that as human beings, we are all basically selfish; we’re born that way. But God is calling us to be revolutionists. He is calling us to “love our neighbors as ourselves,” which is not natural. We need God and the power of His love to do it; and when we do, things happen. Love changes the atmosphere and makes a difference. Let’s be like Jesus. Let’s be revolutionists and change the world.
Peace and Blessings,