There are times in our lives when we know that the Lord brought us through. When Marvin Sapp’s song “Never Would Have Made It” becomes your testimony after your tests, you can’t, nor should you, keep God’s faithfulness to yourself. When the Lord has brought you through something, and you know it was nobody but the Lord who did it, you need to thank Him… and then tell it.
Scripture advises us to tell about His goodness, tell about His grace, tell about your breakthrough, so we can shout about it all over the place. Our testimony not only encourages us and gives God praise, but it also encourages others who may be going through a storm to hold on and not faint, because in due season they, too, will reap a harvest (Galatians 6:9). Our testimonies allow others to have hope that the One who controls the storm is not only able to see them through, but will deliver them in such a way that they’re better than they were before the storm occurred. As inconvenient as storms may be, they present us with an opportunity to either look up or look out. The question for us becomes, will we trust God and take Him at His word, or will we keep trying to do something to make the situation better using our own devices and limited resources? That’s called frustration.
I read a thought-provoking definition of anxiety by Lloyde Ogelvie. He states, ”Anxiety is the result of doing our own thing, in our own timing, with our own resources. Freedom from anxiety comes when we desire to do what God wants, when He wants it, and by His power.” If we truly believe that God is all-powerful, why not consult the one who has the power to do all things? I must admit, that sometimes it may seem as though He’s not listening, but here’s a newsflash for you: He knew every storm that you would encounter before you were born; and He said He will work it out for your good and His glory (Romans 8:28).
When the storm clouds come, put on your war clothes and begin praying and praising the One who is able to calm the storm. The Bible says the enemy cannot inhabit the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). Praise your way through the press and pray until your change comes. Since life and death are in the power of the tongue, speak your victory before you see it. Stand on the promise that you are victorious because there is no failure in God. God says, “My word will not return to me void, but will accomplish what I decree and achieve the purpose for which I sent it,” (Isaiah 55:11). Therefore, He must deliver.
I have a dear friend who often reminds me that the God we serve is a God of 11:59 and counting. Perhaps you have been waiting for your breakthrough for a while, but trust that He heard you, and if he doesn’t deliver you, He will be right in the midst of it with you. You will come out on the other side, wiser, stronger, and more grounded in your walk and relationship with the Lord because you know that you know what you know.
When the Lord has brought you through, you’ve become a witness to what He can do, and you owe it to your brothers and sisters in the faith to tell it. Make the devil mad, because not only was he defeated, but now, you’re going around telling other believers how to be more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens you (Romans 8:37). You may find yourself feeling like Jeremiah who tried to keep what the Lord said to himself, but found that by doing so it was like fire shut up in his bones (Jeremiah 20:9). God is irrespective of person. What He has done in the past, He is well able to do again. We are told to encourage one another with our testimony.
In closing, I will leave you with the words of Mark Batterson from his book Draw The Circle: “What gets celebrated, gets replicated.” So don’t keep it to yourself. TELL IT.
Peace and blessings, and share this with a friend,
P.S. Have a Blessed Christmas and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.