When we think of the holidays, we think of family, food, and friends; we make plans and look forward to re-connecting with loved ones to celebrate the occasion. For most of us, we consider the holidays a happy time, but for many people, it is anything but happy. In my profession, we refer to this as the holiday blues.

People who have experienced losses or struggles such as abuse, separation or divorce, family turmoil, or the death of a loved one, may approach the holidays with the feeling of dread instead of joy. Traumas and tragedies can steal the merry right out of the holidays. Painful memories of lost or failed relationships can make this time of year extremely difficult and conjure up feelings of sadness and dread instead of a joyous time to gather and celebrate. Get-togethers become hollow because of the decision to isolate instead of engage. Feelings of dread can spiral into despair, and the pain and loneliness allows for toxic thoughts which can lead to the unproductive question, “Why me?”

This blog is for anyone who finds themselves in this category. I’m here to tell you that while you can’t change the past, you don’t have to allow the past to be your future. One of my female heroes, Fannie Lou Hamer, who was a voting rights activist and a leader in the Civil Rights Movement, said, “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.” She realized that she had a choice: stay in the rut she was in, or fight to do something about it. She turned anger into action and her status from victim to victor. That’s my challenge to you.

This year, choose to make the holidays a time you celebrate what you have and recall what God has brought you through, instead of what’s lacking or missing. If you’re ‘sick and tired’ of feeling lonely and alone, choose to celebrate what God can and will do for you (if you ask). For those who grieve or mourn, He promised “to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” (Isaiah 61:3)

If God said He will do this for you, He will do this for you; but the promises of God are conditional. We have to do something, too. We have to choose to believe Him. We have to choose to trust Him. We have to choose to take Him at His Word and cast the ashes (hurt, anger, sadness, loss, rejection, resentment – whatever they are) away. Choose to replace them with the truth the enemy doesn’t want you to know – you are loved and loveable.

When we surrender our lives to God, our family is not just the one we’re born into; our family becomes all believers in Christ who are waiting for us to realize how much we are loved, needed, and valued.

‘Tis the season for a new outlook and a new you. It’s time to exchange beauty for ashes and happy for hollow.

Peace and Blessings,




How many of you remember the childhood saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”? Well, after all these years, I’m here to tell you… it’s NOT TRUE. Words do hurt. Words have the power to uplift or tear down a person, their self-esteem, and confidence. Words can not only hurt, but they can dampen the light of hope and fire that God places in each of us at birth.

The truth is that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of an awesome God (Psalm 139:14). We are destined for greatness because of whose child we are – God’s. There will always be naysayers and critics in the world. The enemy uses who he can to kill, steal, and destroy the lives and the light of the children of God because that’s what he does – kills, steals, and destroys (John 10:10). But there’s no period after that sentence. The rest of the verse tells us what Jesus says: “I have come that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.”

The key to overcoming the critics in your life is to remember who God says you are and whose you are. We are children of the most high God. Since there is no failure in God, there’s none in us. In his book, Resisting Happiness, Matthew Kelly reminds us that we need to “live our lives for an audience of one: God. If you’re doing what you believe God is calling you to do in your soul, walk on.”

We may not be able to stop our critics from spewing poison out of their mouths, be we don’t have to drink it. Know the truth and allow it to do what it always does – set you free.

Peace and Blessings,


The God of New Beginnings

God can do great things with small beginnings. But… we must be open and pliable.

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is Jeremiah 18:1-6 when God sent Jeremiah down to the potter’s house. He watched as the potter re-shaped something that was marred and made it into something marvelous. The message God gave Jeremiah is that He will do the same with us, if we surrender ourselves to The Potter. God slowly, methodically, and gingerly, smooths out our marred past and imperfections and fashions us into vessels of honor.

I always tell my clients, “It’s not where you’ve been; it’s where you’re going that counts.” God takes these cracked pots and with His grace, He softens us, extracts forgiveness, and floods us with His love, before shaping and sculpting us to reflect His image.

Some of us have had difficult pasts and struggle to see beyond the pain of it. Many people allow that pain to taint their belief in a God who rescues and saves, and choose instead to give up on God because they believe He gave up on them. Many of my clients who have been sexually victimized as children ask the question, “Where was God when I needed Him?” The pain of their experience renders them angry because they feel abandoned by God. Many of them were driven to use and abuse drugs, alcohol, or sex as a means of escaping their pain that often felt unbearable. It is only after some time in therapy that they allow themselves to release the anger and pain and realize that although God didn’t stop the evil done against them – like with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who were in the fiery furnace – He was in it with them. And without Him, they probably wouldn’t have survived their trauma at all. 

We have to remember that feelings are not facts. Just because we feel a certain way, doesn’t make it true. The fact is that the God who CANNOT lie says He will “Never leave you or forsake you” no matter what your situation looks like or feels like. (Joshua 1:5)

During difficult times, we must choose to take our mustard seed of faith and plant it in the soil of God’s Word; and like the farmer who plants his seed, we trust that beneath the surface, God is working. Trust and speak that God is doing great things in you, and plans to do great things through you, no matter what it looks like right now. Take confidence in the fact that the same God who kept you through your trials, can and will guide you to a life of peace and prosperity, because that’s HIS plan for all of His children. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Every journey begins with a first step. Take a step and trust that each day He will give you what you need to get through that day; and every day after that, one day at a time. Before you know it, you will find that you are more than a conqueror through Him who strengthens you. (Romans 8:37)

Peace and Blessings,


God Provides

One of the characteristics of a loving parent is to provide for our children. It’s almost an innate desire to want to provide and give our children the desires of their heart. We want them to be happy and not lack any good thing. Well, guess what? God is a parent. He’s our parent and He wants the same thing for us. He even tells us that in His Word. Just like we want our children to come to us with their wants and desires, so does He. He tells us, “We have not because we ask not.” (James 4:2)

When we were children, we came to our parents believing they could fulfill whatever we asked; the question was, would they? Parents look forward to rewarding their kids when they are obedient and respectful. Our Daddy God promises to do the same. In fact, He says, “If you abide in me and my Word in you, you can ask for whatever you want and I will give it to you.” (John 15:7)

Sometimes as parents, we are limited in what we can do or provide for our children, but Daddy God has no limits! There is no lack in Him. He owns everything. In fact, the Bible tells us, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there of; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1)

It looks like our Daddy has considerable real estate holdings, and guess what? He wants to share them with His children. He still provides, even when we grumble and complain. When I think about the provisions of God, I am reminded of the Israelites who God delivered from the hands of their enemy and they were upset because they didn’t have meat to eat. Being the loving Daddy who loves us unconditionally, He “Stirred up the east wind in the heavens and combined it with a south wind and rained meat for them. Every evening the shoreline was littered with quall, and in the morning they had bread from heaven which rested on the ground for them to gather; but only enough for that day. The next day, He provided it again.” (Exodus 16:9-15)

Since He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8), He will do the same for us.

Since God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11), whenever your situation makes you feel like the Israelites in that barren land, just like God provided for them, He’ll do the same for you. Just call on your Daddy who can “Supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory.” (Philippians 4:19)

Peace and Blessings,


Maybe God is Trying to Tell Us Something

I am struck by the unprecedented natural disasters occurring all around the world right now. But amid my compassion for those who have lost treasured possessions, and some even their lives, I can’t help but wonder, is God trying to tell us something? Tragedy has a way of getting our attention and makes us re-think and re-direct the way our lives are going.

Natural disasters render us powerless and often yield tremendous loss, which makes us re-evaluate what is REALLY important. Facing the threat of death, you ask yourself, are things more important than your life? And how would you assess the worth and value of your life? Whose lives have you touched and made a difference in along the way? What are you holding or harboring that has created or continued breeches in your relationship with former friends and family? What do you think God is saying to you when you are stripped of everything but you?

The Bible verse that continues to ring in my head is, “The Earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.” (Psalm 24:1) It’s a powerful message because it reminds us that everything, including us, belongs to God. We are just stewards of what He has given us. We have been allowed to possess it, manage it, and care for it, but it belongs to God. The question becomes, how are we treating that which He has entrusted to us? What value do we place on the lives He has surrounded us with?

Cancer taught me that what is REALLY important in life is relationships; first my relationship with God, who I can’t live without; and then the relationship with those He allowed to cross my path and enrich my life. In the end, it’s all about relationships and those relationships are all about love.

Nature reflects the existence of God, and is subjected to His commands – so should we.

Is God trying to tell us something? I certainly think so.

Peace and Blessings,


Glitches for Your Good

If you have ever been waiting on God to answer a much-needed prayer, you know that God’s timing is not always in line with our timing. In fact, most of the time, if you’re like me, you’re probably wondering if He even heard you. We have been so conditioned towards instant gratification in our world that waiting for what we want seems like a foreign concept. We plan, plot, barter, and sometimes scheme to get that thing or person we feel we can’t be happy without.

Our desires fill us with an adrenaline rush and a perfect vision of our lives with the thing we want, but we don’t always consider that what looks good to us isn’t always good for us. With our finite vision, we are unable to see the flaws that lie ahead and because we’re blinded by the glitter of what catches our eye, reasoning sometimes escapes us.

As I was writing this, I thought about a story I once heard a minister tell about how he caught his three-year-old daughter playing with one of his straight edge razor blades. She was attracted to it because it was shiny and different, but as her father, he knew that it was dangerous and could hurt her badly. He calmly approached her and lovingly said, “Let daddy see what you have there.” When she opened her little hand, he gently took the blade from her. She kicked and screamed because she couldn’t see the danger in having the thing she wanted, while her father knew what lurked ahead. She was fixed on what she saw and in her finite wisdom, thought it was fun to play with.

We are often like that three-year-old. God, who is our loving protective Daddy, sees us being attracted to “razor blades” and will often allow roadblocks and glitches to bombard our path, because He knows the road that lies ahead. Since He is all-knowing and all-wise, He sees what we don’t see. The Bible instructs us to “…in all our ways acknowledge Him (God) and He will direct our path.” (Proverbs 3:6)

Oftentimes, the glitches and roadblocks we encounter while trying to get to, do, or have something, is God’s loving hand of protection trying to steer us from heartache or danger we don’t see.

The next time you’re trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and nothing seems to be going right, step back from it and consult Daddy regarding what He sees ahead. Is this move right for you? Your glitches may turn out to be for your good; and His glory. (Romans 8:28)

Peace and Blessings,



“Is there anything too hard for God?”  Jeremiah 32:26

What’s your dream? When we were kids, people used to ask us, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Most of us identified something that we thought would bring us fame and/or fortune. I don’t know anyone who answered “I want to be homeless” or dependent on the government, or struggling to make ends meet. We dreamed big because we were unaware of the curve balls life can throw us that take us down side streets we never anticipated going down.

We grew up, and for many of us, we gave up the dreams we had as children. Life presented us with challenges and choices, and those choices determined our destiny.

Maybe things haven’t gone the way you thought or dreamed they would, but don’t give up dreaming.

As we get older, we begin to realize that we should attach those goals to an action plan. Dreaming alone won’t make it happen and nobody is going to knock on our door and hand it to us. We have to be willing to trust God, take risks, and go after those dreams. You may be confronted with detours. That’s OK – God allows for detours. After all, He knew you would go down that side street before you even knew the street existed; and since you’re there, learn some lessons that will strengthen your character and shape you into what God is calling you to be or do. When we find ourselves on a detour, the choices are to keep straight or make a U-turn.

No matter where we find ourselves on this road of life, we are never out of God’s sight or reach to guide us back to our path towards destiny. It has been said that there is value in the valley, and the Bible tells us that God “steps into our brokenness and gives us beauty for ashes.” (Psalm 51:17 and Isaiah 61:3)

If you find yourself in the middle of one of life’s detours; don’t stop dreaming. In the words of Winston Churchill, “Never, never, never give up.” Maybe the fruition of the dream was for an appointed time and the detour was necessary so that when you arrive, you’ll know that you know what you know.

Make an effort to go back to that childlike faith that allowed you to dream big. Remind yourself that you serve a BIG God and “there is nothing impossible with God if only you believe.” Matthew 19:26

What’s your dream? It’s time to start living it.

Peace and Blessings,


The Big Deal About Forgiveness

Many of us find it difficult to forgive. We have been wronged in some way and we just can’t get past it. It lingers on our minds, and the mere mention of the wrongdoer’s name turns our stomachs. We have been wounded so deeply that we profess we will never forget it.

Guess what? No one is telling us to forget it. In certain situations, I don’t even think that’s even possible. But we are called to forgive and allow the God of Justice to be our vindication. This is not a new message. We’ve heard it hundreds of times from every pulpit and in every denomination and spiritual congregation on the planet, but how do we do it?

Well, we put on our big boy and big girl pants and we JUST DO IT. You don’t have to wear Nike to just do it. You simply choose to do it. Our lives are made up by the choices we make. When we choose to hold on to un-forgiveness, we give the person we’re harboring feelings about power over our lives. In turn, that un-forgiveness dictates how we feel, what we think, where we go (because we don’t want to be around that person), and even our health. Yes, our health. Un-forgiveness is toxic. It creates stress that compromises our immune system and makes us physically sick. That’s certainly not what God wants for us, which is why He made such a big deal about commanding forgiveness. He is so serious about this forgiveness thing that His own forgiving our transgressions is contingent on us forgiving others. “Forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive those who trespass against us.” (Matthew 6:12)

Knowing how much I mess up daily, I sure want (and need) God to forgive me. What about you? If you’re like me, do yourself a favor and forgive; even though it’s hard. Let’s be honest, anything worth having is hard! But the prize on the other side of forgiveness is peace. The beauty is, we don’t have to do it in our own power and strength alone; we can ask God to help us. And since He’s a huge proponent of us forgiving one another… He will! I hope you can take this word to heart today and meditate on what it can do in your life. From the bottom of my heart, I believe you will find delight in forgiveness. There’s no better time than now.

Peace and Blessings,


The God of Suddenly

“And suddenly, there was a great earthquake.” Matt. 28:24

I am struck by how God can cause the earth to quake and suddenly change the trajectory of what is happening. In each biblical reference of an earthquake occurring, there appeared to be an impossible situation and things were final –lights out – and as my dad use to say, “that’s all she wrote.” And then we read, “but suddenly,” and everything changes. Time and again in scripture we read about men and women of faith who were facing death, famine, or some other life peril and then at 11:59 and counting, God shows up and suddenly alters the course of events and delivers. In many of the situations God sends an angel who emerges from a quake to guide, direct, and bring a message of hope and re-direct the course of events.

Unlike with other natural disasters, earthquakes come with no warning and they shake up life as you knew it. They rock the foundation you thought was secure and you’re left with destruction from which you must make decisions about.

I opened with talking about literal earthquakes, but an earthquake doesn’t have to be an external one. It can be any devastating event in our lives that suddenly alters how life is going. We commonly call it a crisis. Whether it’s the death of loved one, a divorce, a diagnosis that carries a bleak prognosis, or a wayward child, it rocks our foundation and alters the trajectory of the course we were on.

In those earthquake moments, it’s important to be open to God being in the midst. We can’t get stuck in the why. It will always be a dead end; and even if you knew the “why”, it wouldn’t change the situation. Replace the “why” with “what”. What is God trying to show me, do with me, say to me; and be open to the angels He sends to help you restore hope and re-build your life in a new way. 

Hebrews 13:2 states “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.” In that same passage of Hebrews, God promises that He will never leave us or forsake us, so however bleak the situation or how big the obstacle is you may be facing, remember God sees, hears, and says “I am with you.” Have faith, hold on, trust that God has not forsaken you, and expect to be amazed by what the God of suddenly will do.

Peace and Blessings,


Let's Be Revolutionists

Did you ever stop to think about the fact that Jesus was a revolutionary man? Yes, He was a man of peace and love, but what made Him a revolutionist is that He didn’t just sit around waiting for change to happen; He became the change. Everywhere He went, He provoked change in what He said and the things He did. Did He piss people off? Of course He did! In fact, it got Him killed, but who hasn’t heard about Jesus? He is a revolutionist because He challenged the status quo with its legalistic laws and talked about a new law, the law of love.

Those of us who believe in Jesus say we love Him; but that love comes with a commandment and a commission to walk in love. Is it hard? You bet it is. There are some people in our lives whose actions make them hard to love; but Jesus promises that He will give you the grace to do it – actually, He already has. Perhaps you have been hurt and betrayed by people you trusted. You really don’t want to love because you’re hurt. Jesus has a remedy for that. He tells us to give our hurts to Him and He will “heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

When we are able to give our brokenness to him and walk in a space of love, it enables us to see people and the world differently. It will enable you to be a difference maker. To accept this challenge, we have to be connected to our power source – Jesus. He is love; in order to see through the eyes of love we must connect to that which supplies it.

Our commission is to love God and love people. That means we think about something other than ourselves. I have come to accept that as human beings, we are all basically selfish; we’re born that way. But God is calling us to be revolutionists. He is calling us to “love our neighbors as ourselves,” which is not natural. We need God and the power of His love to do it; and when we do, things happen. Love changes the atmosphere and makes a difference. Let’s be like Jesus. Let’s be revolutionists and change the world.

Peace and Blessings,



Sometimes you can find yourself in situations that are so toxic you can’t breathe or see your way out. You’re in the midst of a cesspool and you feel like you’re drowning. I often encounter people whose work environment is so stressful that it “makes you wanna holler, and throw up both your hands.” What do you do when you dread going to work; not because of the job itself, but because the people you work with or for, make it a toxic place to be?

We jokingly refer to people losing their composure in these types of environment and going “postal.” When you’re in those situations you find yourself understanding why it happened even though you don’t condone the action. You wonder, how long, Lord? How long will I have to put up with demanding, overbearing supervisors, rules and regulations that seem to change weekly, a workload that is far beyond 40 hours, and bureaucratic structures that seem more concerned about money than the people working for them.

How do you stay when you really want to go but you can’t just walk off the job because you have bills to pay?

The answer is not easy but it is necessary; you STOP, RE-GROUP, and PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST. Many years ago I use to sell Mary Kay Cosmetics and their company’s philosophy is God, family, and then a job. Wow. The bible tells us to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added unto you”. Matthew 6:33 Life demands our attention but we must meet the demands of life armed with the spiritual armor and food that enables us to stand and withstand the fiery darts life hurls our way. Just like we need food to sustain our physical bodies, we need God’s Word daily to anchor us in to the power that is able to keep us and carry us through the storms we will face on this journey we call life.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to stop and put things in perspective. Don’t look at the big picture; focus on what you can do TODAY.  Jesus taught us to pray “give us this day our daily bread.” Ask God to give you what you need to get through today. He’ll do it for you again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, if you ask. Remember God promised to be our helper, but we have to humble ourselves and surrender our will to His. Remember, this too will pass. The ancestors told us, “trouble don’t last always.”

When you’re feeling down, and you want to take off both your hands and throw them up in the air; put first things first and remember, God’s got you and this too will pass.

Peace and Blessings,


“This Little Light of Mine, I’m Going to Let It Shine” – A Song for All Ages

As children most of us learned and sang the song “This Little Light of Mine”; but have you ever stopped to think about the deeper meaning of this song? On face value, we can conclude that the light that we’re professing to shine is Christ’s light in us, and that’s true; but I was recently challenged to dig deeper to embrace an even deeper meaning for us as adults. Matthew Kelly in his book “Resisting Happiness” has a chapter entitled “Let Your Light Shine”. He points out the fact that we were created to let our light shine, and he equates our light to the gift or gifts God packages in each of us. We all have gifts but we all don’t have the same gifts. God created each of us unique and special in our own way so that we will need each other. No one person is gifted or talented in everything. How brilliant of God to individualize us in such a way that no one person is any better or less than any other person. My friends and clients know that I have a gift of listening to people in pain and encouraging them. They are drawn to me, especially in times of trouble because of the gift. I am honored to share my gift with them, but they also know that if they need help with anything that has to do with technology, I am NOT the one. I will be the first to say I am technologically challenged. In fact, I will frequently describe myself as a dinosaur when I’m reaching out for help from others who are apparently gifted with the technological aptitude gift. I am grateful to them, along with all the other people God places in my life whose gifts help me in doing what I do. My light would not be able to shine optimally without their light adding to my light. Together, fueled by each other’s light, we can do great things and ‘glorify our Father’. John 8:54

In the chapter “Let Your Light Shine” Kelly makes what I feel is an astute observation of fact. He points out that the reason many of us aren’t letting our light shine is because we’re too busy comparing our gift with someone else. He states “comparisons are worthless in a world of individuals. You are the perfect mix of talents and abilities to fulfill the mission that God has in mind for you. There is no point worrying about what talents and abilities other people have. If you don’t have them, you don’t need them for your mission so get on out there and do good works. Let your light shine!” Matthew, I second that motion.

Now close your eyes and with humble gratitude and conviction sing:

“This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.”

Peace and Blessings,


"A Faithful Friend is a Sturdy Shelter" –Sirach 6:14

How often do we take time to thank God for the gift of a faithful friend? A faithful friend is a gift we should cherish. I was doing my prayers and meditation and the reading for the day was from Sirach 6:5-17 in the Catholic Bible. The focus of that reading was about friends vs. what I call “friendenemies” (those folks that appear to be friends, but aren’t). In fact, they are the worse kind of enemies, because they are close enough to you to suck the life right out of you. I can still hear the words of my mother ringing in my head, “Everybody is not your friend.” No truer words spoken, and how painful it is to live the reality of such betrayal.

Friendships are important and as parents we keep a watchful eye over the character traits of those people our children call their friends because we know the power of that bond to influence character and behavior. But do we teach them what a friend really is? There are more than enough friendenemies to go around, but a faithful friend is a gift. I always say that the Bible is like Prego spaghetti sauce and Sirach puts it this way:


“ A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter;

he who finds it finds a treasure.

A faithful friend is beyond price,

no sum can balance his worth.

A faithful friend is a life- saving remedy,

such as he who fears God finds;

for he who fears God behaves accordingly,

and his friend will be like himself.”

In essence, a faithful friend is dependable. They are with you through bad times as well as good. They are loyal; not just fair weather friends who are there when they feel like being there for you or there’s something in it for them. And they’re honest. They’re going to tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear; and they will do it in love because they have your best interest at heart. That’s a faithful friend. Take the time to thank God for the gift of a faithful friend, and honor them by telling them how important they are in our lives.

Peace and Blessings,


Stones of Rememberance

I often reflect on how the Jewish people would build an altar in the spot where God did something miraculous for them; like parting the Red Sea. The purpose was not just to worship and thank God, but also for them to always remember what He brought them through. We can often forget in times of crisis that the same God that brought us through the last crisis we were in is well able to bring us through this one; and the next one we’re sure to encounter if we keep living. It is good to have a stone of remembrance because it keeps us grounded and rooted in something greater than ourselves. It helps us remember we are not the be all and end all to all that happens in our lives. Our stones of remembrance allows us to have hope, and that hope will not disappoint.

In my prayer corner, I have my mother’s old glass jewelry box and in it I keep stones with little sticky labels on each stone with the specific trial I faced and the date God delivered me from it. I can open that jewelry box and pick up a stone and remember that June twentieth, two thousand six when my oldest son returned home from Iraq unharmed; December eighth, two thousand nine when my grandson began walking despite his health challenges; February fourth, two thousand fourteen after a conflictual relationship with the new building owner of the location where my business resided for 18 years, I was guided to the perfect new location for my business which is 8 minutes from my house and already built out just the way I needed it; and the stones go on. With every stone I pick up, I remember the situation, and all the circumstances, and I remember how God stepped in and worked it out.

When we’re facing those fiery trials I talked about in my last blog, pick up one of your stones from the past… and remember. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and He promise to work it out for your good and His glory.

Peace and Blessings,


Happy Birthday, Easter People

Contrary to what the commercial world promotes, Easter is not about an egg, a bunny, or the new clothes we wear for spring. Easter is about opening ourselves to the sacrifice made by LOVE to be renewed on the inside.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son (John 3:16), then Jesus so loved us that He gave Himself for the opportunity to experience a love relationship that is unconditional and lasts forever. This love can be hard to comprehend because it’s pure and limitless. It’s a love that says, “I love you just because you’re mine.” “I love you with ‘all your perfect imperfections.’” “I know what you’ve done, what you’re capable of doing, what you will do, and I love you anyway.”

What kind of love is that? It’s a love that is sometimes difficult to accept and embrace, especially if you feel that no one has ever truly loved you. It’s hard to trust this love if you’ve been hurt by love because it means allowing yourself to be open, vulnerable, and trust that LOVE is who He says He is. It’s believing that He only wants you to allow Him to love you and you love Him back.

This Easter, we are invited to experience being bathed in a love that welcomes us as we are – to bring our hurts, shortcomings, anger, resentments, sadness, and brokenness and step in the pool of forgiveness made possible by the blood of LOVE. Let LOVE wash you and make you whole and re-born in an everlasting love that will set you FREE.


God's Love t-shirt coming soon to the shop. A wearable reminder of God’s love for you!

This Easter, experience God’s love all over again. As you do, I wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Peace and Blessings,


“Do Not Be Afraid; Just Have Faith” – Mark 5:36

We have all felt fear, but do you allow it to hinder you from stepping into your blessing? This morning my devotion began with a focus on the woman with the issue of blood who had been afflicted with a bleeding condition for 12 years; no doctor, medicine man, or village healer could heal her. Her situation seemed bleak. Then the scripture took us to another scene involving a synagogue official whose daughter was dying and again, no one could help her. We are presented with two seemingly impossible situations in which I can be most certain that the people going through them were gripped with fear, fatigue, and a sense of hopelessness.

Who hasn’t been faced with a situation in which they felt afraid and didn’t know where to turn? I know I have been in this position many times. I always tell people that cancer taught me how to have faith, but owning a business taught me how to walk in it. When things don’t go as planned (and they often don’t), what do you do? I remember once saying to a fellow Christian business owner as we were commiserating over all it takes to keep a business going, “I don’t know how people who don’t know the Lord do it.” There are times when we are faced with situations and circumstances in which we can’t help but feel afraid because we’re human. God hotwired us with several emotions – fear being one of them; however, even though we feel fear, God does not give us a spirit of fear. I often remind myself of David in the Bible who said, “When I am afraid, I will trust in the Lord,” Psalm 56:3. He didn’t say if I am afraid, he said when. There are times we will feel afraid. Just remind yourself that God wired you with that feeling to alert you to when we need to fight or take flight; both call us to act. Will we fight, take flight, or allow apathy to immobilize us? Having done all we can do, why not take our mustard seed of faith and plant it in the One who specializes in making that which appears impossible possible. Jesus’ message to the synagogue leader was, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” He commended the woman with the issue of blood for her courage to take faith and touch the hem of His garment.

Feeling afraid and overwhelmed? Look up, reach up, take courage, and let go. Just like Jesus told the woman, “Your faith saved you,” remember that when you think you can’t have faith…

God can.

Faith in the Furnace

It has been said that “Into each life, some rain must fall.” We all have had trials, tribulations, setbacks, feel set up, and at times wondered whether God has forgotten about us. Wouldn’t it be great if we could predict and prepare for life’s problems and pain which Jesus spoke of as persecution? In fact, He told us to expect them (John 16:33), but He didn’t tell us what they would be and when they would occur. We were only warned that in this life, we can expect them; but He also told us not to be discouraged when faced with trials because He overcame them; so will we.

I know when you’re in the fire it feels like you’re alone, and it seems like you’re alone; and fear can begin to make you wonder whether God is really there like He said He would be, because when you’re in the furnace you only feel fire; but hold on. God has a purpose for everything He allows and trust that everything that happens to us has been Father filtered.

Fire refines us. Being in the furnace provides an opportunity to take God at His word and stand on what we say we believe. It’s easy to believe when things are going well: the bills are paid, we have a warm, comfortable, safe, place to stay, we have food to eat, our life is going as planned, our children are well and not acting out, and “Life is Good”; but keep living. The ancestors warning, “Into each life, some rain must fall,” will eventually shower upon each of us. What will you do when it falls? Will your faith survive the furnace? Will you look up or give up? Will you take God at His word and choose to trust Him even though you can’t see beyond your situation and circumstance?

I frequently tell my clients that life is about the choices we make. When you find yourself heavy laden in the furnace of life, choose to do what we’re instructed to do in Ephesians 6:10-18. Put on God’s whole armor and STAND. Stand knowing that because God IS for you, He is working it out for your good and His glory (Romans 8:28). He still heals and His arms are not too short to save you. Just like Jesus told the man afflicted with leprosy (Luke 17:19); our faith will make us whole.

Peace and Blessings……..Gail

Miracles and the Power of Prayer

Trials come to each of us, but the question or test becomes what, or who, will you turn to?

My 14-year-old bouncing, bubbly, grandniece, Talia, who appeared fine when she came flying through my house on Saturday was found to be critically ill the next day. She had intermittently complained about pain in her side so her mother took her to the doctor who ordered some scans. The day after the scans were done, an urgent call came from the pediatrician instructing my niece to take Talia to Children’s Hospital as soon as possible. It was discovered that Talia was carrying around a tumor so large that it covered her kidney and was dangerously close to her aorta. In fact, it was so close to the aorta that the doctors were initially skeptical about operating for fear that she might ‘bleed out.’ Needless to say, this was a moment of crisis for everyone involved. My immediate response was horror – and then to collapse in tears while calling on God. Knowing that God is our ever present help in the time of need (Psalm 41:1), my spirit quickened within me and I announced to my nieces who had gathered at the house, “It’s time to pray.” The ancestors always said, “Prayer changes things,” and because I am no stranger to trials, I know that to be true in my life. Not only did I pray, I grabbed the two other nieces with me and we prayed. Then I emailed all 60 plus members of my choir and they prayed. A chain of prayers began that I’m sure stormed heaven’s gate for Talia.

The doctors were almost certain this was cancer, but the question remained, how do they get this tumor and spare her life? Talia’s blood pressure was so high that it became necessary to hospitalize her, which allowed them to do further testing. Every report seemed worse than the one before and we now learned that there was also a spot on her lung. This revelation led the doctors to schedule surgery the next day. In the Bible, Paul speaks about praying “without ceasing” (1Thessalonians 5:17); that Monday was dedicated to everything I did being a prayer for Talia. I wrote her name at the top of every page in my note pad as I listen to my clients who came to release the troubles weighing upon their heart; and my spirit man sang the song “There’s a miracle in this place with Talia’s name on it.”

Six hours after going into surgery, the doctors elatedly reported that they were able to get the entire tumor which weighed 5 lbs. Unfortunately, they were not able to save her kidney.  Shouts of praise and thanksgiving went up that she made it through the surgery and I rushed to the hospital to lay eyes on her and her mother. Talia was in the ICU and in pain, but that was to be expected. I held her hand and prayed with her and her mother before leaving the hospital. The next morning, 7:00 a.m., I was startled by a call from Tania, Talia’s mom. She thanked me for coming and all the prayers but she said, “Aunt Gail, I have something to tell you. It’s something Talia said to me when she woke up this morning.” With my heart now pounding with anticipation as I listened, she said that Talia told her that during the operation a man came to her and touched her hand and told her to ‘calm down; she was going to be ok and he would be with her.’ She told her mother that she calmed down and then she didn’t see him, but he came back later and told her she was going to be ok and for her to tell her grandmother that he loves her and happy birthday. Talia told her mother that she had never seen this man before but with the instructions he gave Talia, Tania knew exactly who it was. All the great grandchildren as well as the grandchildren refer to my mother-in-law as Grandma. That day was her 89th birthday. Tania took out her phone where she had a picture of her grandparents on their wedding day.  She showed the picture to Talia who immediately responded “That’s the man mommy. That who was with me during my surgery.” God never ceases to amaze me.

To all of you who are facing fiery trials, look up. Prayer does change things, and God is still in the miracle-working business.

P.S. Please keep Talia in your prayers. She still is facing the giant of cancer, but the same God that brought her through that, is well able to bring her through this.

Peace and Blessings…..Gail

A Valentine's Message: You Are Loved

Valentine’s Day can be a downer if you forget that you are loved by the greatest Lover in the world. In fact, you are loved by the source of love; and no one can do for you like He does for you. You are kept and cared for by an awesome Creator who loves you so passionately He died and rose for you. As I reflected upon that love, I decided I’d like to share with you a poem inspired by the Holy Spirit about God’s love.  It’s entitled “Can You Love Me Like God Loves Me?”


Can you love me like God loves me;

with a love that is as solid as

The Rock of Ages.


Can you love me like God loves me;

sweeter than magnolias

on a warm spring day.


Can you love me like God loves me;

with an everlasting love that reaches through time and space

and stands until time indefinite.


Can you love me as God loves me;

with a love that says, that you are me

and I am you.

No one can really love me as God loves me;



If you can love me like a rock that last through the ages,

as magnolias on a spring day,

and with a love as God created love to be;

then and only then

can love really be love.   

© Inspirational Things by Gail


Peace and Blessings,


Freedom Really Isn't Free

My husband and I took a road trip to visit the sites of the Civil Rights Movement in the South. As a child in the sixties, I remember being schooled by my parents on how to act when going to visit my relatives in South Carolina so that I could return home safely. Emmitt Till’s death was a reminder to all black parents that hatred and bigotry was irrespective of age; and not saying “yes sir” and “no sir,” or thinking you can shop where whites shopped, or eating where they ate, or drink from their fountains, or swim in their pools could cost you your life.

Although young, I remember the first March on Washington and looking up at my mom who was crying as Dr. King talked about his dream. Taking that road trip allowed me to step back in time and remember the sacrifices and struggles of a people who just wanted to be free to be, and do, what God created them to be and do; free to enjoy the simple pleasures of walking down any street at any time and not have to worry about being raped or lynched; free to pay your money to ride public transportation and sit wherever you wanted and not have to pay, get off the bus and walk to the back door to board, hoping the driver wouldn’t pull off before you got on; or free to live where you want and not worry that your home would be bombed or torched; or free to live in a country that judged you by “the content of your character and not the color of your skin.

Freedom has not been free. The freedom that we have has been paid for by the blood, sweat, tears, and lives of our ancestors; both black and some white. As we celebrate Black History Month, let’s not only remember the great leaders, legends, liberators, inventors, and trails blazers of our race who shared their genius with us and fought to help make this country great; but let’s also remember the countless other men and women of color whose names may never be in a book but stood up for the cause of freedom knowing it could cost them their lives. Let’s celebrate those who had their heads bashed open and bodies bloodied because they believed in every man being free the way God intended them to be. Let’s celebrate and emulate their courage to stand for what is right. They believed and had faith in a God of justice who would see their plight, hear their pleas, and deliver them.

It’s good to look back and remember a proud and determined people who are the bridge that “brought us thus far on our way.” Let’s commit to telling our children about that bridge; and our children’s children, and their children so that we too NEVER FORGET; freedom wasn’t and isn’t… free.

Peace and Blessings,
